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Aura Reading

Clairvoyant "reading" of the aura to determine the health, character and spiritual development of the person (or animal) by the colors seen.

The main factors to consider are:

  • The various fields about the body reflecting the etheric, astral, mental, and spiritual bodies or sheaths.
  • The levels of the body corresponding to the location of the chakras.
  • The colors, and their clarity, brightness and intensity.
  • The presence of irregularities and patterns: such as blockages, holes, depressions or bulges, blotches, streaks, fluctuations, fissures, points of light or darkness, streams and clusters of energy, tentacles, arcs, agitation, symmetry and balance
  • In some auras, there will be geometric figures.
  • The size of each of the fields as distance out from the physical body.
  • The overall structure, which Dr. Slate refers to as the unique signature of the individual.
  • The observer's feeling or psychic impressions.

While some specific observations can be augmented with the use of dowsing rods and pendulums as well as the hands in sensing the aura, the aura visionary, or reader, should attempt to start with basic observations of the above factors, and then slowly perceive the complexity of the overall aura in which the following elements are important considerations:

  • Streams of Energy. These can occur in a variety of formation and colors anywhere in the aura. They can radiate outward as brilliant streamers or meander about in a network of energy. Any blockage to these streams should be noted in relation to the color and location.
  • Clusters of Energy. These intense concentrations of colorful energy can occur anywhere in the aura and typically are in response to specific empowerment needs. Color and location should be noted.
  • Points of Light. These are associated with powerful forces intervening to empower the individual’s life, and can signify a spiritual presence such as a guide or angel. Intensity and location should be noted.
  • Points of Darkness. These may signify an attack on the aura, possibly—in rare instances—an actual psychic attack or involuntary psychic vampirism, but more often as points of severe weakness or injury.
  • Voids. Larger than points, voids are inactive areas with little or no energy that often reveal psychological factors such as discouragement, feelings of hopelessness, depersonalization, detachment, etc. 
  • Agitation. Appearing as churning turbulence accompanied by discoloration, they suggest fractured relationships, insecurity, fear, excessive anxiety, unresolved conflicts, and when localized may indicate the site of chronic pain.
  • Symmetry. This signals a healthy, harmonious mind, body, and spirit able to accommodate change and opportunities as new learning experiences.
  • Fissures. These are breaks and tears have jagged and irregular edges and are usually are gray in color. They originate in the outer layers of the aura as the result of psychic injury—often from early childhood or past-life experiences. They may be indicative of physical or emotional abuse and often appear in the auras of battered women. The effects of past-life experiences survive and are reflected in the aura.
  • Tentacles. These extend outward from the aura’s external boundary and are often associated with immaturity and dependency needs—a reaching out for support. They are frequently found in the auras of people who look for instant gratification, or who make selfish and unreasonable demands on others. Too, they are found in the auras of pseudo-intellectuals, self-anointed "scholars" who specialize in debunking contrary views to their own. Tentacles are often associated with psychic vampirism in which the tentacle reaches from one aura to another.
  • Arcs.  Arcs connect the upper regions of two auras in close and satisfying social interaction and will sometimes lead to a literal merging of the two auras.
  • Geometric Forms. Geometric forms can occur anywhere in the aura as specialized concentrations of energy originating either within the subject or from an external force.
    • Spheres. Like other aura signature forms, the color and location offer clues to its energizing role. For example, a bright yellow sphere in the upper region of the aura is associated with intellectual enrichment. A bright green sphere indicates healing energy being applied in the physical body at that location.
    • Pyramids. Psychics often have a bright pyramid of energy in the upper regions of the aura, sometimes directly overhead.
    • Sheath. A large shield-like ring of intensely bright energy may enclose the entire aura as a protective boundary.
    • Asymmetrical globs, often smoky in coloration, tend to constrict the aura and suppress its energies.

Interpretation of the aura should not be based on strict rules following these listings of colors, brightness, size, shapes, etc., but rather a holistic synthesis characterize by the aura visionary’s empathy with the subject—even when viewing one's own aura. While details count towards the whole, we must never let the details overwhelm the whole in our interpretation.

Aura readers interpret colors, their intensity, and their location through established definitions:

  • Blue – Throat Chakra - Religious (but not limited by doctrine). Light blue is associated with balance, tranquility, self-insight, flexibility, optimism, and empathy for others. Deep blue is associated with mental alertness, sharp-wittedness, and emotional control. Dullness of blue anywhere in the aura is associated with negative stress, pessimism, despondency, and insecurity (feeling blue), whereas dark, dingy blue may indicate suicidal tendencies.
  • Brown – Strong interests in the earth and natural resources, along with personality traits of practicality, stability and independence. Brown is also characteristic of such professionals as geologists, ecologists, archaeologists, landscape and construction workers. Brown in the aura is commonly indicative of outdoor interests such as hiking, skiing, mountain climbing, and hunting, as well as physical fitness.
  • Gold – Advanced spirituality. People with gold in the aura are charismatic and able to handle large-scale projects, but they usually attain their successes later in life.
  • Gray – Usually a transient color that can foreshadow illness, adversity and even death. Small areas of gray can signify health problems in relation to their location.
  • Green – Heart Chakra—Love, affinity with Nature, often a natural healer. Bright green signifies healing energy, self-actualization, and raised consciousness particularly concerning global conditions. Bright green is typical for health care professionals and environmentalists. The auras of psychic healers are usually iridescent, a feature not often found in the auras of other health care professionals. Dull green is associated with envy (green with envy), inner conflict, personal unfulfillment, and resistance to change. A very dull green with shades of gray is often a precursor of serious adversity, personal catastrophe, or physical illness. Associated with healing energy.
  • Indigo – Brow Chakra—Intuition, nurturing. See also purple as indigo and purple are sometimes difficult to distinguish from one another. Associated with spiritual awareness.
  • Orange – Genital or Sacral Chakra—Social extraverts who typically pursue careers requiring considerable social interaction, such as politics and sales. They are independent, competitive, and possess strong persuasive skills. Discoloration in the orange aura is associated with impatience, egotism, emotional instability, and a low tolerance for frustration. Associated with emotional energy.
  • Pink – The color of youth, longevity, rejuvenation, sensitivity, humanitarians, idealism, and talent. Typically, older people with an abundance of pink in their auras have achieved prominence in their careers through hard work, have moderate political views, and are interested in the arts and such matters as historical preservation. Associated with affection.
  • Purple – Associated with philosophy and abstract interests, purple is often predominant in the auras of ministers, philosophers and theoreticians. People with purple in their auras value intuitive knowledge, often possess superior verbal skills, and command respect from their peers. Wealth often comes easily to them and they settle into comfortable careers in which they can pursue personal interests.
  • Red – Base of Spine or Root Chakra—Vitality, sensuality, physical energy, impulsive behavior, strong emotion, outbursts of anger (seeing red), the need for excitement, adventure, and risk-taking. While flashes of red in the aura (anger) are usually transient, more permanent strands of red woven into the aura may be indicative of violent and uncontrolled aggressive impulses. Areas of red are not uncommon among male college students active in contact sports and similarly in professional athletes in competitive sports. Red can also relate to leadership, responsibility, drive and charisma. Associated with sexual energy.
  • Silver - While rarely seen, people with silver in their auras are often full of grand, but impractical ideas, more characteristic of dreamers than doers.
  • Violet – Crown Chakra—Advanced spirituality and psychic skills. People with a lot of violet in their auras sometime exhibit an off-putting air of superiority and are often involved in metaphysical pursuits.
  • White – Not commonly seen but indicative of "purity," self-effacement, peace-loving.
  • Yellow – Solar Plexus—Intellect, mental power, creativity, strong personality. The brightness of the yellow is associated with intelligence, while the expansiveness of the color is associated with social competence and dependability. Bright yellow around the head is associated with abstract thinking, problem solving, and verbal skills, while bright yellow around the shoulders and chest is associated with superior eye-hand coordination and mechanical skills. Dullness and constriction in the predominantly yellow aura may indicate stressful conditions and difficulties in social interactions. Associated with mental energy.

Suggested Reading – Andrews: How to See and Read the Aura

See also:  Aura
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