A box design enclosing a group of numbers. The numbers, when added vertically, horizontally, or diagonally have the same total. Each magick square contains numbers that correspond to planets. Each planet is said to influence various aspects of life, spirits, and elementals, as well as natural and supernatural phenomena. Magick squares are used for invocation or evocation. Traditionally the name of a spirit associated with the planetary magick square is selected, then each letter of its name is given a number. Next, a line is drawn on the magick square beginning with the number of the first letter of the name. This continues in a process similar to “connecting the dots” until each number of each letter of the name has been connected. The resulting design is the sigil of the spirit.
Voting is now open for the 2024 World Divination Association Awards!
The World Divination Association teaches and supports diviners internationally with leading experts in their divination field. Voting is now open for their 2024 Awards, which...