
Body, Heart, Mind & Soul

Love Hot Air Balloon

Our relationship is our passion, our pleasure and our spiritual practice. In the warm cocoon of our intimate connection we feel safe to explore all aspects of our being—the pain as well as the power. As we've dared to open to each other, we've come to see the divine in ourselves and in the world around us. We've learned how to create love together every day.

We see the same desire in others—to love someone through and through and to be loved that way in return. Couples long for a "true marriage," one fully-satisfying relationship that lasts. But the world is a complex and demanding place, full of responsibilities and distractions that can make building a fulfilling relationship seem an impossible task. That's why we've written Sensual Love Secrets for Couples: the Four Freedoms of Body, Heart, Mind & Soul. It's based on our own long-term, loving, passionate relationship and on the work we've done with hundreds of couples since 1997.

Sensual Love Secrets offers a compelling framework to help you develop love that will last a lifetime. It's a simple, practical structure focusing on four elements that are the essence of human nature, yours and everyone else's: body, heart, mind and soul. As you read this book, you'll realize that you already know the power and freedom these parts of you hold, but in your busy life you may have simply forgotten or ignored them. Our easily-understandable descriptions of body, heart, mind and soul, and the exercises that accompany each segment, will remind you and inspire you to take action. You'll learn simple ways to form the loving relationship you desire and deserve.

The essence of Body Freedom is direct sensory experience—what you can see, hear, taste, smell and touch right now. Experiencing sensual pleasure and feeling sexual desire are part of the joy of being alive in your body. With Body Freedom, you'll:

  • Overcome social conditioning that insists your body is inadequate or unworthy.
  • Give each other safety, acceptance, and belonging through the sensual nutrition of your touch.
  • Build life-long sexual fitness in just five minutes a day.
  • Release tension, improve circulation, and send waves of delight through your body by activating your pleasure points.
  • Reawaken passion and playfulness.

The essence of Heart Freedom is emotion—the capacity to feel everything. Your relationship success depends on establishing and maintaining an open-heart connection with your mate. True lovers face, and overcome, their fears of intimacy, vulnerability and commitment. With Heart Freedom, you'll:

  • Open the flower of your heart, so that you and all around you can share in the heavenly fragrance of its blossom.
  • Ask for what you want, and get it.
  • Transform control issues into a harmonious balance of masculine and feminine energies.
  • Act to support fulfilling your desires, despite emotional discomfort.

The essence of Mind Freedom is consciousness—including the capacities of focused attention and intentional choice. A healthy relationship grows by paying sustained, positive attention to your life together, no matter what other demands may crowd your mind. With Mind Freedom, you'll:

  • Gain power over what you think about and how you think about it.
  • Break out of old, limiting behavior modes by awakening your inner witness.
  • Celebrate your differences and learn new, more rewarding ways from them.
  • Support each other's greatest dreams and aspirations.

The essence of Soul Freedom is faith—surrendering to divine will, believing that however badly things may be going in this moment, in the long term you'll get your heart's desire and your life will unfold in a way that's better than you could possibly have imagine or planned for. With Soul Freedom, you'll:

  • Cultivate a soul connection that gives your relationship durability—in bad times as well as good.
  • Explore the art of sexual magic—using your sexual energy for spiritual creativity.
  • Know that you have all you need to express your greatness and accomplish your life's mission.
  • Discover the sacred in your daily life together.

The final segment of Sensual Love Secrets provides practical steps for integrating your four freedoms, within yourself and your relationship. You don't become whole by finding your missing half in a loving partner, rather you work and play together as unique, powerful individuals, creating love for a joyous lifetime. The four freedoms are your birthright. They don't have to be earned or deserved, only claimed. You have all you need and we'll show you how to use it.

About Al Link

Al Link & Pala Copeland (Ottawa, Canada) have been leading retreats on sacred loving for ten years. As experts on the subject of sexuality and Tantra, they have appeared on radio and television and have contributed to ...