WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? You have an amazing Best Friend. You may not even be aware of this best friend, and yet…
Do you know who this incredible Best Friend is? Here are some more clues:
Have you figured it out? This powerful Best Friend is… Your Own Subconscious Mind! Your Subconscious Mind influences everything you think and do. Your Subconscious Mind is an INCREDIBLY POWERFUL RESOURCE! Your Subconscious Mind is ready to fulfill your every request RIGHT NOW! All you have to do is discover a simple and direct way to communicate your requests to your Subconscious Mind so it will understand exactly what you want and make it happen. It doesn't really matter what you ask for so long as you truly want it and have no doubts that you are entitled to it. In words Plain & Simple, you've got to: Really know what you want and then Believe in your own power to achieve any goals. YOU HAVE THE POWER! We want to help you reach that level. We're here to show you the nature of the incredible power of your Subconscious Mind and how to use it. To begin there are two secrets you must learn: strong>Secret # 1: Know Your Goals Your goals are the changes you want to make in your life. Perhaps you already know what they are but haven't made them part of you—yet! You know that when you have them you will be happier, healthier, more successful, and more fulfilled. Every day you'll wake with a smile on your face looking forward to the amazing things that are going to happen and improve your life in every way. You'll know you are doing what's right for you. Secret # 2: Know What You Need to Do Ask yourself serious questions like these and understand the ramifications involved. Determine your goals and needs. Determine what you want to work on first. Then you'll be ready to program your Subconscious Mind to achieve everything. State the Facts ![]() The largest part of the diagram, called the "Subconscious Mind," is that part of your mind that you're not conscious of. It's incredible and unlimited, recording everything that has happened to you. It controls every part of you that your Conscious Mind isn't consciously controlling. It's the true mental powerhouse of who you are. The third part of the mind is called the "Critical Factor" or CF. It separates the Conscious from the Subconscious. It's the part of you that doubts. Let's say you want to quit smoking. In your Conscious, you say, "I'm going to quit smoking." The CF says, "You've tried this before. It's difficult and you'll fail." The Subconscious Mind registers this as "I will fail" and influences your thoughts and actions. The result is that you continue smoking. That's why many people aren't successful with just repeating positive affirmations. The true key to "mind power" is to bypass the CF and communicate directly with the Subconscious Mind. But how? THE REAL SECRET OF MIND POWER Yes, you can easily learn and apply the dynamic technique known as Self-Hypnosis. Yes, you can use it to direct the powerful resources of your Subconscious Mind to accomplish your goals. There is no faster or better way to improve and empower your life. "SELF-EMPOWERMENT IS A MATTER OF CHOICE" Simply stated, you were born to be great and become more than you are! This book shows you how. Self-Empowerment Through Self-Hypnosis explains the powers of the Subconscious Mind in relation to your total conscious self, and shows you exactly how to put self-hypnosis to work in your life. It is complete with know-how and actual scripts to achieve specific goals, including how to:
You'll also learn how to practice mutual hypnosis, work with a group mind, and even how to develop more advanced abilities like astral projection, meditation, spiritual development, and a great deal more. Self-Empowerment Through Self-Hypnosis by Dr. Joe H. Slate and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke is just one book. Begin to change now by listening to your intuition. Perhaps another book might feel better to you. Listen to your heart as you think about these: Hypnosis for Beginners by William W. Hewitt teaches you all the basics of how to hypnotize yourself and others and reach new levels of awareness and achievement. It shares exact ways to overcome phobias and fears, eliminate bad habits, improve your memory, release stress, discover past lives, achieve your goals, and more. Self-Hypnosis for a Better Life, also by William W. Hewitt, shares how to make your own self-hypnosis recordings. All you have to do is listen to your own voice in complete privacy. It will trigger your Subconscious Mind to bring you more love, improve memory, understand dreams, enhance success, stop smoking, reduce stress, stimulate self-healing, and more. Get Out of Your Way by Layton Park includes an original CD, so it's like "having a teacher give you personal instructions in the art and skill of hypnosis." You'll discover the universal laws of mind in the book and use the CD to put those laws into practice and achieve the goals you didn't achieve in the past. Your entire life can change as you manifest your needs and desires, leading to unlimited success. Mind Magic by Marta Hiatt, PhD will explain how self-hypnosis is the magic doorway to improving your life and imagination is your key to the kingdom beyond that door. Use this book to attract love into your life, receive guidance from your higher self, achieve prosperity, obtain self-healing and stay healthy, and finally achieve that most desired of goals, cosmic consciousness! Llewellyn Worldwide At the Forefront of Change for 110 Years Take a look in the mirror and give an honest appraisal of yourself. What don't you like? What would you like to change. What would you like to be? Then think about your goals. Where would you like to be and what would you like to be doing in five years? Ten years? Twenty? Learning self-hypnosis Now, take a moment and imagine yourself with optimum health. Imagine yourself as popular and having everything you want and need. See yourself having all the love in your life that you want. The sooner you start down the path to achieve all of this and more, the sooner it can be yours! Are you ready to gently walk down that path? Yes, you know it's time for you to take that first step. It's time for you to begin making the changes and start on the path to becoming the person you want to be. It's time for you to start achieving all of your goals, all of your desires. Take that first step now! All you have to do is order one or more of these books and start using them. Order right now while you're thinking about it.