
What Does It Mean to Live Consciously?

Crystal Ball at the Beach

What is Consciousness? What is Life? What does it mean "To Live?"

We react to such questions by thinking the answers are obvious. I think, therefore I am. Hence "thinking" must be what "consciousness" is. I exist, so existence must be Life. To be alive must mean "to live." But a microbe lives; does that mean it has the same kind of consciousness as a human being? A microbe reacts to external stimulus; does that mean it thinks like a human being? What is the difference between a microbe's living and the expression "to live?"

Instinctively, we know those answers may be fundamentally "true," but they're inadequate to meet the challenges expressed in those three questions.

Matter, Energy, and Consciousness are the three fundamental of existence. But, each manifests at many levels and in many combinations of form, life and being—from sub-atomic in substance and energy to the formations of planets and stars; from sub-conscious to super-conscious and to the unity of soul and divinity; from unicellular life to that of human life and of gods and goddesses and the infinity of the Cosmos and Beyond.

With evolution the forms of manifestation grow in complexity that itself offers more opportunities for growth and development. The goal is always the increase in Awareness and Consciousness.

What does it mean to "live consciously?" Essentially, we have to start with the realization that most of us really do not live fully conscious lives. We may think we do, but the slightest self-analysis should demonstrate that much of your life is on "automatic," without any conscious awareness.

Of course, there is the body's autonomic nervous system that runs all the body's physical systems: the flow of blood and fluids; the beating of the heart; the movement of your lungs; the functions of your intestines and other internal organs; your nerves; your hormones; and all the processing that keeps the body alive and that enables the body to carry out your commands to lift a fork, drink a glass of milk, walk across the room, and all the activities of daily life. We don't want to interfere with any of that, but allowing awareness of them is another matter.

If you focus your attention on any of these activities, you become aware of them but you are really not conscious of them. If something goes bad—a heart attack, for example—you become conscious of that process, but perhaps if you been able to direct your consciousness to the operation of your cardiovascular system you might have detected a growing problem in time to make healthy changes.

Intervening in the functioning of any of the automatic systems is not normally a good idea, but becoming sufficiently aware of those operations through a "consciousness sweep" could be a life-saver if anything is going amiss.

One very solid and proven approach with many benefits is known as "Yoga Nidra," and is a two-fold procedure involving 1) Fractional Relaxation from toe to scalp, and 2) Projecting Awareness into Consciousness Centers in the body.

Fractional Relaxation is probably the most effective and efficient system to reduce and remove the muscular tension and blockage that is part of "normal" in modern life. Blockage inhibits the flow of nervous and even our more subtle energies resulting in everything from sexual and emotional "frigidity" to extremes in emotional reactions, irrational thinking, ill-health, and premature aging. (See the Suggested Resources at the end of this article for a detailed description of the Yoga Nidra process and its benefits.)

"Conscious Living" goes beyond achieving a healthy and energized physical body. The next step in expanding consciousness is to make life's daily decisions with awareness of their real values and the consequences of your actions. In other words: to "live responsibly" and not to act on impulse or react emotionally to situations. Do you really need that gadget so powerfully advertised on TV? Are those colorfully packaged breakfast foods really healthy choices for your children? Can you really afford that vacation in glamorous Tahiti? Do you really need to have a bigger house than your relative has? Can you really afford it? Are you prepared financially for prolonged illness or a change of job? Do you have the right education for today's career opportunities? Look at all aspects of your life and see if you are making sound choices, affordable choices, and forward-looking choices.

I repeat that famous advice: Think before you leap! Analyze the potential consequences of any big decisions. Don't just react with your emotions, or for that matter, to physical feelings (hungers for sensation, hormonal drives, the impulse to give "the finger" to the other driver, or cause harm to someone else because you are angry). Think! Don't just react! Life is more than a Game! Don’t be just a slave to the "Buy, Buy, Buy More" system!

Live Consciously! You are more than a bundle of physical drives and emotional impulses. Use your mind as well; try to perceive things from a yet higher level that we sometimes call "Spirit." Act with Wholeness out of the Whole Person you are: Body, Emotions, Mind, and Spirit. Awaken to your Soul, and your Soul will reach down to bring clarity to the Personality you mistakenly think of as your self.

Seek to Become more than you are: Be all that you can be. Instead of just plopping down in front of the TV with a bag of potato chips to mindlessly watch a stupid comedy or an emotionally disturbing reality show, or going off to a bar for some "excitement," choose instead to grow. Study books that will deepen your self-understanding and give you the means to self-improvement that will awaken and empower your higher consciousness and your psychic skills that really are expansions of Mind and Spirit.

We are passing from the old Piscean Age of Emotion and Faith to the New Aquarian Age of Mind and Knowledge. As never before, the Conscious Mind opens Doors to Rationality in public life instead of Ideological Posturing leading toward conflict and wars of fear and hate; of Knowledge based on Science instead of Obedience to some out-dated belief-system; of careers in new technologies in place of old and displaced skills, and in creative expression through arts and crafts in place of just following the other sheep.

It's a simple formula of "Wake Up, and Live," but it's hard to start living consciously when all around you other people are living reactively and thoughtlessly. But, this is the New Age; it is the Age of Aquarius; it is the Time of Becoming, and for you to Be all You Can Be.

Be conscious of all you do and feel, follow the practice of Yoga Nidra but also develop your psychic powers to expand your active field of consciousness. Move beyond past limits to perception and see and experience more of physical reality, and then to more than physical reality. Consciousness extends to other dimensions, and we become part of the greater consciousness as we experience more of the greater cosmos. Psychic Empowerment is the expansion of awareness and growth in consciousness, and thus to Self Empowerment.

Study the Tools and Techniques of Psychic Empowerment. As you learn to see and read the Human Aura, you are learning a practical skill helpful in daily life, but you are also expanding conscious awareness. When you learn to Project the Astral Body you are adding a totally new dimension to your experiential awareness—to see things from a higher perception, and to act upon the lower world with additional power. When you learn such skills as Dowsing, Pendulum Work, Crystal Gazing, and other forms of Earth-centered Divination, you are increasing your conscious perception beyond superficial appearances. When you become skilled in reading the Tarot, Runes, or the I Ching, you add the depth of symbolic meanings to the breadth of your conscious awareness. When you gain understanding of the Chakra System you awaken inner energies to become more than you are. With Dream Interpretation, you also learn Dream Intervention and thus become consciously interactive at both subjective and objective levels. When you develop Psychokinetic abilities, you are exercising conscious control of your energy body. With Self-Hypnosis, Meditation, and Ritual you are moving from merely reactive awareness to active conscious functions. Remembering Past Lives brings past skills forward but also brings forward wounds and repressions to release their inhibiting traumas to fulfill the lessons of the past for present benefit. Becoming skilled in Geomancy and Sand Reading, in reading Tea Leaves and Coffee Grounds, the Analysis of Handwriting opens additional Doors of Perception. All these Tools and Techniques empower your Growth and Transformation toward Becoming All You Can Be.

All Life becomes empowering as you become intentionally aware and conscious of the depth of human observation and experience. Conscious Living adds previously unrealized dimensions to the reality of your Personal World—extending its borders to comprehend more and more of the Greater Cosmos. Look at your every experience and see it in greater depth and breadth to participate more fully in the greater conscious universe, and see for yourself what lies "behind the scenes" so that you become an actor rather than a passive reactor.

Study. The greater the depth and breadth of your awareness, the higher and more dynamic your consciousness becomes. Imaginatively speaking, instead of a dull gray sphere of partial consciousness you become a shining sphere of light transforming the world in which you live and act. You become a Messenger of Enlightenment.

Suggested Resources:

  • Dr. Jonn Mumford and Jasmine Riddle: Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation and Fractional Relaxation Procedure. This is an audio CD of carefully-paced script and inductive music accompaniment in which Consciousness is rotated both through the physical centers and the subtle chakra centers. Yoga Nidra is both a complete relaxation procedure focused on all seventy-six centers of the physical body right down to your toes and individual finger joints and the mounds of your hands, and a full system of psychosomatic emotional and mental release recalling memories of physical sensation, of pain and pleasure and images of universal significance, and then replacing psychic scars recalled from the subconscious with positive images projected from the conscious mind.

    The Yoga Nidra audio CD functions both as a conscious agent and an unconscious agent. Use it as an active guided meditation program and as a sleep program. Audio CD and Booklet.
  • Dr. Joe H. Slate: Aura Energy for Health, Healing, and Balance. The Human Aura is a remarkable energy and information system that chronicles the life of each person—past, present, and into the future. Learn to "read" your own aura and that of others to bring self-understanding and new opportunities for self-improvement. Learn to fine-tune your energy system to promote mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. 264 pages, 6 x 9.
  • Dr. Joe H. Slate and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment: The Out-of-Body Experience, Astral Powers, and their Practical Application. This book answers the question: Why Astral Project? Other topics include Quantum Theory and the New Science of the Paranormal; One Soul, Many Bodies; Seeing the Unseen; Astral Projection for Growth and Empowerment; Inducing and Guiding the Out-of-Body Experience; Astral Projection and Psychotherapy; Higher Astral Powers and Higher Sources of Knowledge; Astral Projection and the Afterlife; Exploring Past Lives; Communicating with Guides and Other Entities; Creating Powerful Thought Forms; Astral Love, Sex, and Magick; Expanding your Psychic Awareness; Understanding Psychokinesis and the Power of Your Mind. 520 pages, 7 x 10.
  • Dr. Joe H. Slate and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment Meditation Companion. A companion to the book, this CD provides a complete program to facilitate astral projection by means of an inductive script and carefully programmed music to bring you through the alpha, theta, and delta levels of mind activity. This is a program that should be used multiple times to make Out-of-Body Experiences more familiar and automatic. Its use further expands psychic development and empowerment. Audio CD & Booklet.
  • Dr. Joe H. Slate and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Doors to Past Lives & Future Lives: Practical Applications of Self-Hypnosis. Explore your Past and Future Lives, Delve into Life between Lifetimes, Communicate with departed Loved Ones, Meet your Spirit Guides, and Discover new spiritual dimensions. The do-it-yourself past-lives technique opens doors to more than past lives. Visualizing a corridor with many doors, each corresponding to a single past life, enables you to return to any life for further work at any time. You can choose to be a passive observer, or an active participant. You are able to explore, research, study, and recover the actual wisdom gained in a particular lifetime, or review lives between lives and begin to plan a future lifetime. We live to learn, and reviewing past lives enables you to connect their lessons into a whole for a greater perspective and recovery of skills valuable in this lifetime. 228 pages, 6 x 9.
  • Dr. Joe H. Slate and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: The Llewellyn Complete Book of Psychic Empowerment: A Compendium of Tools and Techniques for Growth and Transformation. This book answers the question, "What is Psychic Empowerment?" Includes topics cover Consciousness-Expanding Techniques for Psychic Development; Extra-Sensory Perception, Out of the Lab into the Real World; Astral Projection, the Out-of-Body Experience; Auras, Seeing and Reading What Can't be Hidden; The Chakra System, Spinning Wheels of Psychic Energy; Clairvoyance, Seeing Behind the Scenes; Remote Viewing, Psychic Research or "Voodoo Warfare?" Dream Interpretation and Intervention; ESP Programs and Psychic Empowerment; Magic, Ritual and Shamanism: Ancient Practices of Psychic Empowerment; Precognition, Tomorrow as Probability; Psychokinesis, a Holistic View: Mind over Matter, Everyday; Telepathy and The Power of Self-Talk in Self-Empowerment, Mind-to-Mind Messaging, and Global Communication; Reincarnation & Past-Lives Enlightenment; Sigils, Pictures that Work; Visualization, the Key to Empowering Your Imagination; Objectology & Psychic Empowerment; Ascending the Pyramid Meditation Exercise; Crystal Gazing and Psychic Awareness; Probing the Energy Field with Dowsing and the Pendulum; Geomancy: What the Earth Tells You; What Your Handwriting Says About You; The I Ching: When the Moment is Right; Spirit Communications: When the Spirit Moves; The Runes: Fire and Ice, Our Northern Heritage; Sand Reading, a Handprint Tells a Story; The Tarot, Your Path to Good Fortune; Tea Leaf and Coffee Grounds Reading, May Your Cup Brimeth Over; The Wrinkled Sheet, Anything Can Work because the Power is in You, not the Thing; Self Empowerment and the Great Work; Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis; Meditation, From Body to Mind to Spirit; The Journey of a Lifetimes, a Self-Directed Program of Developmental Actions, Actualizing Your Psychic Powers, and Putting it All Together. 728 pages, 7 x 10
  • Dr. Joe H. Slate and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Psychic Empowerment for Everyone: You Have the Power, Learn How to Use It. This incredible book links the scientific study of psychic phenomena with practical applications, developing your innate psychic powers into reliable, dependable skills. Engage in consciousness-expanding meditations; progress through a seven-day empowerment plan; and employ laboratory proven techniques in dream work, self-hypnosis, aura viewing. Communicate with your spirit guides, navigate the psychic planes, explore the nature of consciousness, understand precognitive dreams, and prepare for the world beyond December 21, 2012. 248 pages, 6 x 9
  • Dr. Joe H. Slate and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Self Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind: Your Unlimited Resource for Health, Success, Long Life, and Spiritual Attainment. Learn practical step-by-step techniques to access and harness the vast storehouse of knowledge and resources that is your inheritance from all of Humanity. Overcome growth blockages, Resolve inner conflicts, Enhance your Creativity, Improve Mental and Emotional Health, Strengthen Relationships, Evolve into your Highest Self through Dreamwork, Creative Visualization, Meditations, Chakra Awareness, Interactions with Nature, and more. 254 pages, 6 x 9
  • Dr. Joe H. Slate and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Self Empowerment Through Self Hypnosis: Harnessing the Enormous Potential Your Mind. Linking scientific techniques with practical applications to explore and deploy the true nature and powers of the conscious and subconscious minds. Includes proven scripts and easy-to-follow techniques for trance induction, meditation, and sleep guidance, accelerate learning ability and improve memory, unleash creativity, break unwanted habits, solve problems and resolve conflicts, manage stress and overcome life denying fear and pain, achieve mental, physical, and spiritual balance, live longer and better, become more successful in your career. 264 pages, 6 x 9
  • Dr. Joe H. Slate and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Self-Empowerment Through Self-Hypnosis Meditation Companion CD. Easy-to-follow script and guidance to bring about a self-induced state of hypnosis to focus on any stated goal—and make it happen! Included is an aura energy exercise designed to balance your aura and reinforce your self-hypnosis work, giving you the power to create the Life you've always wanted. Audio CD & Booklet.
About Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

Carl Llewellyn Weschcke (Minnesota) was the owner and chairman of Llewellyn Worldwide, the world's oldest and largest metaphysical publisher. He played a seminal role in the rise of Wicca and Neo-Paganism in the 1960s and ...

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