Posted Under Astrology

Career Opportunities for 2013 by Sun Sign


In a time of recession and economic challenge, retooling and rethinking life's work could be indicated for you. Are you in the best possible occupation, based on your sun sign? Should you be thinking about school or further professional development right now?

Socialist democracies, like those in Western Europe, promised guaranteed employment, but in our free-wheeling capitalist system, you're lucky to stick around long enough to get a company logo coffee cup at the holiday party. Many of my clients had transitions happen about a year after the economic recession began (October, 2008, in case you forgot). Some are still struggling to find their way. One of the pieces of paperwork I always have people fill out is an employment history. The cycles that govern personal lives usually apply to work experience as well.

For example, the "seven year itch." Very valid, and reflecting the quarter-turn that Saturn makes around the sun in its twenty-eight year orbit (compared to our Earth's one year orbit). After seven years, people are in a mood to move on, move up, or move out. There are also transitions that occur in periods of time that connect to those seven years, for example, three and a half years (half of seven). Three and a half years is when someone who's a senior in college may start to doubt whether they majored in the right topic, or may feel, "I need a break, how am I going to survive before graduation?!" Half of 3.5 is 1.75, or one year and nine months. That's another pivotal time, where you may feel, "This isn't working," or "This isn't what I signed on for."

And for those born on a cusp (see the dates below), consider suggestions given for the two adjacent signs. (Also, look for my book Astrology on the Cusp: Astrology Between Two Signs for specific suggestions.

A Quick Overview of the Elements

  • The FIRE SIGNS Are: Aries (March 20-21 to April 21-22), Leo (July 23-24 to August 24, and, rarely, August 25), and Sagittarius (November 23 or 24 to December 21 or 22)

FIRE= Initiative, passion, temperament, moving along to the next item, leadership, "taking over," "leading but not finishing," moving quickly, reacting before hearing all the information, bravery, child-oriented or childish and egomaniacal (Leo, Aries), humorous and independent (Sagittarius)


EARTH= Steady, possessive, concerned about the group, materialistic, finance-minded, practical, reactive vs. acting out, concerned about "where this is going," slow to move a relationship forward, wanting information or certainty before taking action, happy alone for a long period of time (Capricorn), wanting to feel part of a team (Taurus), holding out for perfection (Virgo)

  • The AIR SIGNS Are: Gemini (May 22, or, rarely, 23 to June 21 or 22), Libra (September 24, or, very rarely, 25 to October 23 or 24), Aquarius (January 20 or, more rarely, 21 to February 18, very rare, or 19).


AIR= Communication, moving onto the next thing, versatile, changeable, "fickle" inconsistent, wanting to "keep things light" easy to fall in love (or lust), independent, not needing love or a relationship (Aquarius), quickly codependent (Libra, Gemini)

  • The WATER SIGNS Are: Cancer (June 22 or 23 to July 22 or 23), Scorpio (October 24 or 25 to November 22 or 23), Pisces (February 19, rarely or 20 to March 20 or 21)


WATER= Sensitivity, passion, affection, needing reassurance, easy to love and understand, perceptive of others' feelings and needs. Can be super-insightful when things go poorly for a loved one—not so helpful when all is well. Wanting to share art, music, sensual experiences (Pisces, Scorpio), wanting to cook for a lover, or provide a domestic space (Cancer)

Here are professions where Aries may be happiest. They prefer a job where the expectations are high and where there are frequent deadlines. Specific industries include airlines, automotive, golfing, childcare (teaching, caretaking, tutoring), dentist or dental hygiene, heating/furnace work, optometrist, fire fighting, EMT, teaching.

Best times to take action in 2013: March, April, June, and September

Taurus needs to feel part of a team and likes firm deadlines, boundaries and predictable schedules. Jobs that make a Taurus happy include accounting, non profits or public sector, antiques (dealing, restoration), apartment management, artist, auctions, banks, bead shop owner, beauty salon keeper/hairdresser, cake decorating, candy and confection making, clothing/fashion industry, floral designer, work in a plant shop, floral designer, work in a plant shop, hotelier, hospitality, jeweler, interior designer, music teacher, payroll, property management.

Best times to take action in 2013: May-August, late October through November.

Gemini needs a career with plenty of variety, and interaction with others. If their job situation means they have to think on their feet, that's the best. Professions include accounting, non profits or public sector, animal care, artist, advertising, baseball batting cage owner, bowling, bookseller, bridalwear, cake decorating, golfing, childcare (teaching, caretaking, tutoring), clothing/fashion industry, costumer, dentist or dental hygiene, divers, golfing, hotelier, hospitality, jeweler, interior designer, music teacher, payroll, property management, signmaker, journalism, publishing, legal professions.

Best times to take action in 2013: June-September, December.

Cancer likes to work independently, must be respected, and needs sufficient time to do a job. Don't rush them. Careers that may suit them include advertising, bartender (or tavern keeper), beekeeper, bookseller, candy and confection making, camping (owning a campground, having a regular counselor job seasonally), guidance or career counseling, dentist or dental hygiene, divers, environmental fields, non-profit organizations that help the downtrodden or animals, hotelier, hospitality, plumbing, signmaker, antique dealer, museum curator (or development person), college professor, or teacher of the arts (music, poetry, drama, dance, painting, sculpture) or practitioner make sense. Computer programming that involves connecting realms or fields would also make you happy. Being a singing teacher or an agent or manager for a band might suit you in your youth.

Best times to take action in 2013: June through November.

People born under the sign of the lion need affirmation and even acclamation for the work they do. They are happiest when they are in charge, or have a level of autonomy that gives them pride. Jobs where you may find them include animal care, amusement parks or kids' party centers, bartender (or tavern keeper), beauty salon keeper/hairdresser, beekeeper, candy and confection making, camping (owning a campground, having a regular counselor job seasonally), childcare (teaching, caretaking, tutoring), clothing/fashion industry, clown (this is a profession!), environmental fields, physical fitness training/gym work, hotelier, hospitality, interior designer, landscaping, plumbing, veterinarian.

Best times to take action in 2013: June-December

Virgo is a particular sign, known for being perfectionistic. They like to be independent, and can work for a boss who gives them free-reign to come up with their own systems of task completion. Professions where a Virgo might be happiest include accounting, health care industry, animal care, amusement parks or kids' party centers, alternative health care, Adult care, beauty salon keeper/hairdresser, bookkeeping, bridalwear or wedding planner, childcare (teaching, caretaking, tutoring, also Special Ed.), clothing/fashion industry, computers, costumer, physical fitness training/gym work, floral designer, work in a plant shop, interior designer, librarian, payroll, property management, travel agent, veterinarian.

Best times to take action in 2013: June-September, October, especially.

Libra is a social sign, and needs to be part of a group, or a series of groups. Like the air and fire signs, they don't mind changing careers or professions, and also work well in partnership situations. Jobs where Libra may flourish include health care industry, Adult care, addiction counseling, alternative health care, bonds (bail and other bond services), bookkeeping, bridalwear or wedding planner, guidance or career counseling, computers, environmental fields, physical fitness training/gym work, floral designer, hotelier, hospitality, insurance, claims adjuster, jeweler, librarian, music teacher, payroll, property management, signmaker, teaching, legal field, journalism.

Best times to take action in 2013: June, September, October.

Scorpio needs independence, and prefers not to be monitored. They can work in groups, but are best on their own. Work that has a "secret" or confidential nature suits them. Actor, writer, clergy, Insurance, claims adjuster, adult care, addiction counseling, bathroom tile specialist, credit counselor, computers, engineer, funerary, insurance, claims adjuster, jeweler, judge, journalist, music teacher, plumbing, sales and marketing, signmaker, spy, probate, hair stylist, personal grooming consultant, police work (particularly research or records).

Best times to take action in 2013: July, August, late October and November.

People born under the sign of the archer need independence, and they also love jobs involving travel, helping the needy, or that bring them into contact with other cultures. Look for them in jobs involving travel, Insurance, car/automotive, addiction counseling, adult care, automotive, animal care, archery (crossbows, also other kinds of firearms), bicyclist, blasting specialist, body piercing (or tattoo artist), golfing, canoe and kayaking, computers, funerary, including cremation services, physical fitness training/gym work, heating/furnace work, plumbing, probate tax law, travel agent, veterinarian.

Best times to take action in 2013: April, September, October.

Natural leaders, Capricorn is sometimes reluctant to take the spotlight, but if you want a hard worker, look no farther. Capricorn can be found as small business owners and in the fields of accounting, or working in a financial institutions, also construction, automotive, animal care, including wildlife, antiques (dealing, restoration), archery (crossbows, also other kinds of firearms), asphalt (paving and related fields), baseball batting cage owner, bathroom tile specialist, bicyclist, body piercing (or tattoo artist), bonds (bail and other bond services), contracting, golfing, canoe and kayaking, chiropractor, concrete/cement, environmental fields, fence building, physical fitness training/gym work, golfing, heating/furnace work, insurance, claims adjuster, jeweler, interior designer, investment specialist, mason/brickwork, payroll, property management, roofing, automotive, travel agent, veterinarian.

Best times to take action in 2013: May, June, September-December.

Aquarius is independent, and needs a lot of space. They don't like routine, don't mind being surprised, and like to be mavericks. They are concerned about the needy, and would do well in a non-profit organization, as well as in a financial institutions, also construction, air conditioning, refrigeration technology, airlines, alternative health care, antiques (dealing, restoration), apartment management, paving (and related fields), guidance or career counseling, carpets (selling/buying/making), chemist, chiropractor, computers, costumer, electrician or electrical field, environmental fields, hotelier, hospitality, insurance, claims adjuster, jeweler, interior designer, investment specialist, landscaping, mason/brickwork, payroll, property management, radio engineer, and also broadcasting, roofing, radiology, legal work.

Best times to take action in 2013: June, October-December.

The last sign of the zodiac can be a procrastinator and worry those around them if they don't seem to settle on a career. I've seen Pisces be very happy behind the scenes, or in a profession where they can help others, particularly "hard" cases (psychiatric patients or incarcerated persons). They have sympathy for the people who are most damaged by society, and you might find them highly-functional in jobs relating to brewing or windmaking, aquatic (boat owning, fishing, yachting or sailing), carpets (selling/buying/making), chemistry, computers, divers, duct cleaning, tile installation, rug sales, floral designer, work in a plant shop, custodial, pest control, radio engineer, also broadcasting, automotive, radiology.

Best times to take action in 2013: July, August, December.

General Comments About Professions and Upcoming Trends
The medical field will only broaden and deepen as we continue to struggle with universal coverage. Practitioners (who need to specialize over a period of years) may favor earth or water signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Therapists or those who specialize in disorders of mind or temperament can be in the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius, Cancer, Leo.

Finance and banking is also is rife with earth sign folks (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo). Loans are a Scorpio job, and real estate or mortgage specialists could have Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus in a strong position.

Another growing field is that of law enforcement and public safety, and the legal field. Libra is the scales—often the scales of justice. As much as Libra is a peacemaker, I've known a lot of Libra lawyers, and Cancers who practice family law, and Scorpios who work in the field of research, or probing into finance.

Finally, show business is another realm where every sign can thrive, although Leo is the most likely to want to do anything to be a star! Finally, if you feel you really do need to change careers, arrange to have an internship, if you can. Yes, this is now a part of college for many students, but I've known people in midlife who volunteer in an industry that interests them. Have an open mind, and be willing to experiment!