Make your Hopes & Dreams Come True

Key and Hope in Hand

We all have hopes and dreams, and Write Your Own Magic will show you how to use the incredible magical power of words to turn your desires into reality. There is no limit to what you can ask for, as long as your requests hurt no one. For instance, you might want:

  • Vibrant health
  • A fulfilling relationship
  • Greater happiness
  • More money
  • A better job
  • Stronger faith
  • Increased creativity and intuition

Write Your Own Magic presents the three magic steps essential to manifesting exactly what you want, for dreams both big and small. First, you'll learn how to determine your life's purpose. Next, you'l find out how to write magic that makes your dreams come true in six important areas—physical, spiritual, mental, financial, social, and intuitive. Finally, you'll discover how to use the hidden power of words—sacred names and secret writings, magic diaries and dissolving ink, along with other simple white magic techniques—to make your desires, hopes, and wishes come true.

In the following excerpt, author Richard Webster reveals how different cultures throughout history have recognized the immense magical power of words.

The Pen Is Mightier . . .

Words were originally magic and to this day words have retained much of their ancient magical power.—Sigmund Freud (1856–1939)

The concept of writing your own magic is extremely old. Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians used to write letters to the dead, asking them to influence events in the world of the living. Usually these letters were written on a bowl in which bread or grain would be placed, but papyrus and cloth were also used. The Egyptians believed that the spirits of the dead were simply traveling and could intercede and help when asked to do so. Consequently, family members who were squabbling, for example, could write to their deceased mother and ask her to resolve the situation . . . The ancient Egyptians used the power of the written word to create changes, or magic, in their lives.

Traditionally, magicians taught their secrets by word of mouth, from master to student. Anything that was written down was kept well hidden and out of the hands of the uninitiated. The invention of the printing press changed all that. In the Middle Ages a series of grimoires were produced containing magical secrets from the Persian, Hebrew, Christian, and magical traditions. Probably the most famous of these grimoires is the Key of Solomon, which gives full details of the seventy-two spirits that were invoked by King Solomon.

Cryptography, or secret writing, is not a science that has been practiced only by spies. In fact, ancient magicians regularly used it to keep their mysteries a secret. The Celts had their oghams, which were intended to keep valuable information away from "the vulgar and poor of the nations." The Egyptians had their hieroglyphs, which were used only for sacred writing, and the Greeks had their scytalus, which was used when information had to be kept secret.

Faith in the power and efficacy of written and spoken words has been recorded in the history of most cultures. The use of prayer wheels in Tibet is possibly the most striking example of this.

A prayer wheel is a hollow, metal cylinder mounted on a rod. This cylinder is usually beautifully engraved. A prayer or mantra is written on a roll of paper, fabric, or parchment that is consecrated by a lama before being inserted into the prayer wheel. The handle of the prayer wheel is rotated to set the prayer wheel into motion. Each revolution of the wheel is believed to equal saying the mantra out loud once . . . Prayer flags serve the same purpose when they are blowing in the wind.

In this book we are going to use words to enable you to manifest in your life whatever you desire. We all have dreams, hopes, and wishes. With the information in this book, you can use the magical power of words to allow you to achieve your desires and lead a life of happiness, success, and fulfillment.

Happiness is the state of being contented with one's lot. It is hard to define it further than this, since something that makes you happy may not have the same effect on someone else. However, two things are extremely important in leading a full, happy, and worthwhile life: One, you must be true to yourself. You will never find true happiness if you spend your life trying to live up to the expectations of others and ignoring what your own heart is telling you. The second is that you must strive toward making your dreams a reality.