Posted Under Spells

Infuse Your Spellwork with the Power of Color

Pink Candles and Crystals

I'm amazed at the way color can slot right into our magical workings, matching dozens of different needs to any particular color. In my new book A Rainbow of Spells, you'll understand the importance of color in not only in magic but also how color affects change and harmonizes everyday life.

Everything has a color; everywhere we look, there is an associated color. Our skin, our clothes, the interior of our homes, even the color of our bath towels. (There are obviously loads more, too many to mention!)

In magical work, color is just as important as crystals, candles, and even herbs. All crystals have a meaning, and the color of that crystal also reinforces its meaning. There is nothing as soothing as a white candle burning peacefully while you relax away the stressors of your day. Once a color is added to that soothing candle, it transforms into a magical tool.

Lighting a candle with a positive affirmation for money is a simple spell, but if you change the white candle for a green one it gives this simple spell strength—not to mention a little bit more oomph to connect with Universal forces. This is because the color green is associated with money and growth. (Think about nature: a large part of our planet is green, and where there is green there is always growth.) Your intention could be anything from financial growth to healing, stimulation, and even hope. This is but one smidgen of how to manifest with color.

The planets in our solar system play an integral part in magic, as well, and each planet has a color associated with it. When I first started working with color magic, I liked to keep a yearly calendar where I could just glance at it and know what was happening in the magical world on a particular date and how I could apply those correspondences to my magical workings each day. I started with a weekly calendar on my fridge, but now you can do it digitally, whether you print it out or use it on a computer or smartphone.

Here is one idea that you can also apply to your calendars, whether physical or digital. For each week that I wrote down the name of the Planet and the date of the week with which it corresponded, I then shaded in the color assigned to that planet. For example: on Sunday, yellow for the Sun; on Monday, white, silver, or purple for the Moon; on Tuesday, red for Mars; on Wednesday, brown for Mercury; on Thursday, blue for Jupiter; for Friday, pink for Venus; amd on Saturday, Volcanic Red for Pluto.

I also highlighted the phases of the Moon and their meanings. When I did this, I was able to match them to what I needed to achieve or for the spell I wanted to do. For example, on the full moon, I concentrated on emotional healing. On the new moon, I concentrated on my wishes and what I wanted to create. The waxing Moon is when the moon starts to grow and is a time for growth needs, and the waning moon is to rid of anything you no longer wish in life, and and excellent time to get rid of negative energy.

Once I did that, I then wrote the magical attributes of the day. Sunday, growth and financial stability; Monday, health, wisdom, and comfort. Then there is Tuesday, a day of courage and strength. Wednesday is the day for communication and study. I like Thursdays for money and stability. Friday, of course, is for love and forgiveness, and Saturday is for combating negative energies.

Here is an example of how you can put it all together. Let's say you want to do a love spell. First, look at your weekly calendar. As you can see, Friday is Venus Day. Venus is associated with love. This is a great day for a love spell. Now that you have that sorted, look at the moon phases and see what day the full moon or a waxing moon falls on. Both are good days for a love spell if one of these falls on a Friday. If not, and you need something done straight away, then do it outside of the Moon phase correspondences.

From there, you will need to gather color for your spell. A few things you can start adding include a pink crystal, a pink candle, a pink piece of paper, or even a pink ribbon (to name but a few). When you do this, you are telling the universe that you need love or self-love. These are some of the tools you will need when manifesting with color and energy.

In A Rainbow Spells, I have added bath spells. In the bath spells, I have used food colouring for manifestation using the water element. To get started with your magical bath, just refer to your calendar again. Look at what you wish to manifest and go from there (or search in A Rainbow of Spells for one that I'm sure will match your needs). Another magical way to incorporate color and water include magical water sprays you can do using crystals. You can carry these with you in a small bottle, or use a large bottle to spray your home for a particular need. For peace in the home, get a spray bottle and add water, a few drops of lavender essential oil, two drops of purple food dye, and an amethyst crystal. As you add these magical tools to your water, think of the peace you want to have in your home. Leave this bottle outside for one day and one night to settle. Then you can spray this inside the home like an air freshener for peace in your home.

You can also fill your family home with love, hope, happiness, and financial stability (not to mention protect it from unwanted energies) by using color. This can be done with things as simple as a tea towel, a vase, a rug, wallpaper, or paint, and don't forget your bed sheets, which are very important for a good night's sleep. If you are exhausted, try purple or white sheets. If you want a passionate night, red is the color to use.

If you are going to paint the home, have a look at the color meaning in A Rainbow of Spells. There, you can see which colors are good for studying, for sleep, for manifestation, and for peace in the home. Additionally, you can implement the practice of Feng Shui, which is the Chinese art of placement of items and elements in the home to maximize wealth, health, happiness, love, and more . In magic, I call it the Rainbow placement for the home. For example, you would not want to paint your child's room red, which will just excite them and in turn, make it hard for naps or sleeping at night. Instead, try painting the walls in pastel colors, like pink, green, or blue. You can always paint it yellow to stimulate learning. Even a yellow cushion on their bed will do wonders for this.

Never place anything in the home without reason or just because it looks good. I know, I've done that as well, but you can work around it. Instead of painting a wall light purple for peace, find a painting you can hang up with all those peaceful shades of purple; when you hang it up, visualize it bringing peace and happiness into the home.

Always keep in mind that color is not just color; rather, each color of the spectrum has a meaning and is a major contributor to our daily life. Use A Rainbow of Spells as a guide to color in magic when needed. Just tab a color and you'll find a variety of spells for your needs.

Enjoy, have fun, and harm none.


About Ileana Abrev

Ileana Abrev (Queensland, Australia) has been a practicing witch for more than twenty years. With knowledge passed down to her by her father, an esteemed Santero, Ileana guides her clients on a daily basis to solve problems ...

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