
9 Ways to Enchant Your Travels: Candle Spells, Money Magic, and Other Ways to Open Yourself Up to Wonder While on the Road

Woman with Travel Journal

As a journalist for many years, I've had the unique opportunity to travel to distant lands, explore new cultures, and take in a variety of experiences that have profoundly changed my life. Each time I've ventured out of New York City for a work assignment, research, or simply for pleasure, there has been a new psychic awareness that opens up, allowing for deeper nuance to my own spiritual practices.

But as I mention in the opening pages of my new book Wonderment, travel is certainly not the only way to re-enchant your life or even necessary to experience spiritual awakening. It does, however, force us to surrender to the flow of the Universe, rely on our inner sight and intuition, and provides a fertile backdrop for new learning. While it's a great privilege to be able to roam the lands, one not afforded to everyone, travel ultimately requires us to "know ourselves," as the ancient Greek maxim commands—or at least attempt to unlearn/relearn who we really are when we get out of our comfort zone.

So if you feel called to see more of the world and follow what moves you, here are some magical tips to enchant your future trip, whether you're going on a long road trip, traveling solo in a new foreign land, or simply exploring a new town near home.

Do a Candle Spell Before You Leave (Up to Three Days Before)
We all have different reasons for traveling, whether it's for pleasure, discovery, work, or simply because we love it. Having an intention in mind before you leave—something you want to get out of the experience—can be a game-changer.

Consider what you want out of your travels before you leave home. Is it to discover something new? Meet new people? Reconnect with family? Find enchantment and wonder? Learn a new craft or skill?

First, take a ritual sea salt bath (add about one cup of sea salt to your bath and sprinkle in some dried flowers or herbs like lavender). As you settle into the tub, focus on clearing your mind, cleansing your aura, and letting go of anything holding you back from your highest potential.

Next, move your focus to your future trip and envision how you'll feel in this new environment. Visualize the excitement, the scents, sounds, colors, sensations—and then psychically send out gratitude for these moments.

When you get out of the bath, choose a candle color that aligns with your individual intention: purple for divine wisdom, discovery, and awakenings; blue for a boost in communication with new people (especially in foreign lands), amiable encounters, or a tranquil journey; pink for finding new love or healing a broken heart; yellow for sparking joy; or white/orange for an overall successful trip and blessings. You can either use a small tea light candle or a small pillar candle for this spell.

Next, carve your departure date on the candle along with your star sign and initials. You can also add a sigil of your own making here, whether it's a personal power sigil; a protective sigil; or simply a star, a plane, or a triple moon symbol. As you light the candle, ask the Universe/your Spirit Guides/God/Goddess to protect you on your journey. Burn until the candle is fully gone.

Keep a Protective Talisman on You
Stones like obsidian, onyx, hematite, and amber are great to carry or wear while traveling, as they help absorb and dispel negative energy. Alternatively, you can wear blue stones like lapis lazuli, Amazonite, or turquoise to aid in communication, especially in a foreign land. Be sure to cleanse and charge your crystals at home before leaving.

Invest in the Local Culture
Each place in the world has its own unique energies and Spirits, as well as customs, cultural norms, and spiritual rituals. You can learn a lot about a place (and add new knowledge to your own magical practices) by visiting local apothecaries, herbal shops, religious shops, and botanicas. Stay open to new ideas, ask questions, and engage with the locals with an open, non-judgmental heart. One of the most beautiful aspects of traveling is learning new things and meeting others, and I've found magical shops to be a great place to connect with others on a deeper level, while also supporting small businesses.

Embrace Delays and the Unexpected
It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyways: not everything always goes to plan—nor should it. Delays, difficulties, annoyances, and sometimes even straight up bad experiences can give us a surprising opportunity for growth. As frustrating as these may seem in the moment, delays can be opportunities to re-examine our relationship with patience (including how we treat others) and relearn a powerful lesson: to surrender and go with the flow.

In my experience, delays can also be signs that we're not supposed to be in a certain place at that exact time or something even better is waiting or about to happen instead. Think to yourself: What is this experience teaching me at this very moment? How can I turn this so-called bad experience into something fruitful? Essentially, this is the definition of alchemy. Stay open to the unexpected and embrace what comes. And when all else fails, a good belly laugh in the face of adversity seems also seems to help.

Make Allies with Fear
Fear has a distinct, biological, and evolutionary function, and it's not to be dismissed. However, rather than live in fear while traveling or ignore it all together, make allies with it. Our gut instinct is normally right, so if something feels off, it probably is. But if you find that fear holds you back from trying new things, like taking that day trip or saying hello to that cool-looking stranger, tell fear to back off for a bit. It's normal to feel a bit nervous in a new place, but that doesn't mean you should let fear take the reins as your tour guide.

Use Psychic Self-Protection
While we should make allies with fear, we should also practice psychic self-protection. Take the usual precautions and pay attention to your surroundings on a practical level, but remember your own spiritual power, too. If you ever feel unsafe or encounter an unsavory person, envision a bright, cleansing, and protective light surrounding your body and aura. Then, psychically "push" that light outwards, almost like a force field, adding an outline of fire around it for extra protection. I've used this technique countless times as a solo traveler and it—thank the Goddess—has helped significantly on my journeys.

Create a Cleansing/Protective Room Spray
If your hotel or rented room doesn't allow burning incense (many don't), create a cleansing/protective room spray before you leave home. Take a 2-ounce spray bottle (for your carry-on bag) and fill it with a few drops of lemon essential oil (for cleansing and clearing), orange oil (for happiness), lavender (for psychic protection and tranquility), and sandalwood or cedar oil (for grounding). Then add a bit of Holy Water if you have it or spring water that you say a blessing over before pouring into the bottle. Speak to the water and tell it what you'd like for your trip, whether it's blessings in your travels, protection, or assistance with cleansing any negative energy. Next, add some witch hazel or a few drops of rubbing alcohol to the bottle (for preservation) and fill the rest with the water. Shake vigorously, focusing on your intention, and spray the scent. Add more essential oils to your desire, one or two drops at a time.

Keep Sea Salt on You
Sea salt is one of the most universal, easily found magical tools of all. Take a small bag of sea salt with you to use in the shower or bath after a long day. Add some to a bath or mix in with your shower gel for an auric cleanse. Also, you can add a line of sea salt across the hotel door threshold and windowsills for protection.

Do Some Money Magic
Not everyone has the extra funds laying around to go galloping across the globe, not to mention many of us have family obligations, lack of paid time off (especially in corporate America), or obstacles that keep us rooted in place. If it's money that's holding you back and travel is something you really want to do, first, make it a priority in your life and forgo other luxuries until you have enough saved. Traveling doesn't always have to cost a ton, and you can do a lot on a very tight budget. And when you have magic on your side, well, you'd be surprised.

Try this money spell: Buy a large, green candle that will burn for seven to ten days and, using a dull knife, carve a large dollar sign (or whatever your currency symbol is) on one side and a small pyramid with a star on top on the other side. Next, carve your astrological sign and initials anywhere on the candle. You can also rub gold metal glitter on the candle for an extra "oomph" and sprinkle the top of the candle with cracked bay leaves or place them underneath. As you light the candle, focus your intention on removing any financial obstacles or blocks, and welcoming in abundance and prosperity. Burn completely until the candle is out.

Conscious, magical traveling involves maintaining a sense of curiosity (another central theme within my book Wonderment), as well as staying present to the seemingly mundane details of your surroundings. And if coupled with intention, we can reawaken a sense of wonder when confronted with the unknown, as well as reignite our spiritual purpose for when we return home.

Blessed be.

About Amber C. Snider

Amber C. Snider is a NYC-based journalist, editor, and university educator specializing in culture, travel, design and spirituality. Her bylines can be found in the New York Times, HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Atmos, Lonely ...

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