Posted Under Numerology

Numerology: Your Life Path Number and You

Woman Calculating Numerology

Numerology is the study of the occult meanings of numbers. Its history goes back thousands of years, and Pythagoras is credited with modernizing it some 2,600 years ago.

There are four main numbers in numerology: the Life Path, the Expression, the Soul Urge, and the Day of Birth. The Life Path is the most important of these, as it reveals the major lesson to be learned in this lifetime and provides clues about the person's purpose in this incarnation. The Expression reveals the person's natural abilities, the Soul Urge represents his or her inner nature, and the Birthday number has an influence on the Life Path.

There are eleven numbers in numerology. These are the single digits one to nine and the numbers 11 and 22, which are called master numbers. Because of these master numbers, the adding and reducing of your full date of birth nine needs to be done in a special way.

Here's an example of someone born on May 25, 1998:
Month 5
Day 25
Year 1998

This sum totals 2028. The next step is to add these up and reduce them to a single digit. In this example, 2+0+2+8=12, and 1+2=3. This person's life path number is 3. The reason the math has to be done in this particular way becomes apparent if we do another example using someone with a master number. This person was born on December 29, 2004:

Month 12
Day 29
Year 2004

When we add up the numbers in the total of 2045, and reduce them to a single digit, we encounter one of the two master numbers: 2+0+4+5=11. Master numbers do not get reduced further, so this person's life path number is 11.

This second example shows why life paths are worked out by listing the month, day, and year in the form of a sum. If you added all the digits of this person in a row (1+2+2+9+2+0+0+4=20, and 2+0=2) the master number would be lost and you'd end up with 2, instead of 11.

Here are the meanings of the eleven Life Path numbers.

ONE: People with a one life path need to learn to stand on their own two feet, gain independence, and to then achieve something worthwhile. Once they achieve independence, they use their abilities in an original, creative, and innovative way. One is the number of the leader and striver.

TWO: People with a two life path need to learn adaptability and cooperation with others. They are considerate of others and can establish peace and harmony. They are at their best when they work with sensitivity and love.

THREE: People with a three life path need to express themselves in some way. This can be done through some form of creativity, such as singing, dancing, and writing. They also express their feelings of love, affection, and friendship. People on this life path are positive people who are full of the joys of life.

FOUR: People on a four life path need to learn the benefits of self-discipline, hard work, and patience. They need to work within the limits they find themselves in, rather than fighting against them. When they do this, their honesty, reliability, and persistence ultimately lead them to success.

FIVE: People on a five life path need to learn how to use their time wisely. They are talented, versatile people who need plenty of freedom and variety. They have a strong sense of adventure and enjoy travel and variety. They dislike being hemmed in or restricted in any way. It can take them many years to work out what they really want to do with their lives, but once they do their progress is rapid.

SIX: People on a six life path need to learn responsibility and adjustment. As they are born with the ability to help and comfort others, many people will come to them with their problems. Consequently, they are often responsible for far more than their share. They are friendly and loving and receive this back in full measure. They often choose careers involving helping others.

SEVEN: People on a seven life path need to learn to rely primarily on themselves as they grow in knowledge and wisdom. They have good minds and strong intuitions. They enjoy finding hidden truths and are often spiritual seekers. Because they're serious and usually introspective, they can be hard to get to know.

EIGHT: People on an eight life path need to learn how to use their ambition, practicality, and down-to-earth approach to achieve success. They're willing to work hard to achieve material success, and sometimes appear stubborn and rigid to others. They're concerned with status, power, and money. Once they've achieved these goals, they can be very generous, but they need to satisfy their own material needs first.

NINE: People on a nine life path need to learn the satisfaction of giving to others. This is not an easy lesson to learn as other people will try to take advantage of their good natures. Their greatest satisfactions will come from the giving, either of helping others, or of giving of themselves in some form of creative expression.

ELEVEN: Eleven is the first of the two master numbers. People on this path are dreamers and visionaries. They must work to develop their intuition and to inspire others by their own example. They're also idealistic, extremely capable, and inspirational. Their special awarenesses are hard to manage, and a degree of nervous tension makes it hard for them to achieve their goals. Despite this, once they're on track, they're able to make a strong impression on the world.

TWENTY-TWO: People on a twenty-two life path are called master builders. They're practical idealists who can achieve anything they set their minds on. Their potential is obvious at an early age, but it usually takes many years for them to work out what they want to achieve. They're charismatic, unconventional, and extremely capable.

None of us can change our life path, as it’s impossible to change our dates of birth. Many people are unhappy with their life path, as other paths sound easier or more exciting. However, the path was chosen by the soul before birth to ensure that everyone receives the lessons they need to learn in this incarnation. If you don't accept the concept of reincarnation, the life path can be considered the central focus of your life.

Some life paths sound easier than others. The warmth, friendliness and self-expression of the three, or the natural enthusiasm of the five, may sound better than the introspection and lack of ability of the seven, or the self-centeredness of the one. However, there are two sides to each life path and the enthusiasm of the five can lead to an inability to stick to anything, and the self-centeredness of the one can provide the self-belief that's necessary for success in any pursuit.

The life path is a wide road, so that although everyone on the same life path will possess similar qualities and will have to learn the same lessons, the road is wide enough for everyone to make their own unique way through life.

The life path provides valuable information, but as it's only a small part of what numerology can offer, I hope you'll explore further and learn more about yourself and others.

About Richard Webster

Richard Webster (New Zealand) is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books. Richard has appeared on several radio and television programs in the US and abroad, including guest spots on WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV ...

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