Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Nutmeg Late July can be uncomfortably hot. Here's a spell that will help you to keep cool. When feeling overheated, draw a cool bath. Add cooling ingredients like fresh mint, lemon balm, or a green tea infusion. Consecrate the bathwater with your athame, wand, or hand, saying: "Water, be blessed. Water, soothe me. May this water banish uncomfortable heat. Water, drive away the harsh heat of summer. So mote it be!" (Make sure you banish "uncomfortable heat," not "heat." You don't want hypothermia!) In the tub, ground and center. Now visualize the heat pouring off you into the water. Before you empty the bath, put some of the water into a sealed container. Drain the water, saying, "Water drains and I am cool. Uncomfortable heat is banished." Next time you're overheated, pour out a little water from the container, visualizing your heat draining away, saying, "Water drains and I am cool. Uncomfortable heat is banished." |
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