Court is all about justice. Sometimes the end result is not what we anticipated, but we cannot expect to get all that we want. We do expect that justice will be done.
My favorite working for any court case is simple. You will need a purple candle dressed with High John oil and the Justice card from a tarot deck. I like seven-day candles for a long-term effect from the working. The more you put in, the more you get out. The intent for this working is that justice be on your side. Light the candle and use the Justice card to focus your intent. The gods to call upon are varied. Our American Lady Justice is based on the Roman goddess Iustitia. We also have Maat from the Egyptian pantheon. The Greek goddess Themis is divine order, and Dike, her daughter, carries the scales of balance. Astraea is also associated with innocence and justice. Look to these deities for a favorable outcome. |
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