This spell can be used to clear obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals. If you know what the obstacle is, visualize it. If you don't, then simply imagine yourself achieving your goal unencumbered. Carry this amulet to clear the way. Use a small drawstring bag to create a bundle. Add any combination of frankincense (one grain), sagebrush (three leaves), and a sprig each of mint and rosemary, in addition to four grains of coarse sea salt. Herbs may be fresh or dried.
Choose any combination of stones from this group and charge them for your purpose: dolomite, kunzite, sulfur, or zoisite. Charge the stones by holding them and visualizing your intent. Add a piece of topaz, if you have it. Clear quartz can be substituted for any of the stones. Chant three times: "Opposition be removed, my way ahead shall be improved." Carry the bundle with you as long as necessary. |
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