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Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Enochian Yoga

The word Yoga means "to unite" or "to yoke together." The ultimate goal of Yoga is to unite the personal self with the spiritual Self, the human with the divine. The goal of Magick (or at least of High Magick) is also to unite the personal self with the spiritual Self (which Enochian Magick calls the Holy Guardian Angel). Thus the aims of Yoga and Magick are identical.

Probably the central difference between Magick and Yoga (especially Raja Yoga) is in their practice or application. Magick employs many devices designed to bring the physical body, speech and mind of the magician into play together. Raja Yoga prefers to downplay the physical body, and focuses mainly on mental techniques such as visualization. However, virtually all forms of Yoga teach breathing techniques which, to a degree, bring the physical body into play. Tantric Yoga often employs physical exercises and other means of using the body. However, Yoga almost never uses physical devices such as the weapons and talismans essential to the practice of Enochian Magick.

Enochian Yoga, however, allows us the op-tion of using either physical or psychic devices. By using the Magickal Imagination, a psychic circle can be drawn, psychic weapons can be used for protection, and psychic talismans can be used for operations in the Body of Light. It is easier to effect Magickal results with physical devices, but not essential, so long as your Magickal Imagination is well developed. (You will notice that the term operation is used in connection with doing Magick. In Yoga, the yogi is said to conduct yoga’s or meditations. In Magick, the magician is said to conduct operations.)

A yogi also typically enters into meditation without preliminary consecration of his area or banishment of unwanted influences, while a magician typically begins an operation by establishing a work area (usually in the form of a circle) and then consecrating it by banishing potential negative influences. A yogi typically ends his yoga without banishing influences from his work area; a magician will usually perform a final banishing ritual to sever any psychic links established during the operation. Those who practice Enochian Yoga should conduct in-depth consecrations and banishments as a psychic safety measure. With practice and experience, these exercises can be minimized.

One of the chief goals of Enochian Magick is to enter the Body of Light and travel into the Watchtowers and Aethyrs of the Magickal Universe. The goals of Enochian Yoga are identical; only the techniques are different. The Enochian yogi can enter the Aethyrs and Watchtowers with the same degree of skill and efficiency as an Enochian magician. The yogi can also meet the Enochian deities and converse with them.
See also:  Enochian Magick
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