Posted Under Tarot

Goddess Inspiration Oracle: Be Inspired By Eighty Faces of the Goddess

Tarot Cards

A brilliant cut diamond may have dozens or even hundreds of facets. To get to know the entire diamond, however, you have to know each of those facets.

Similarly, if you wish to receive inspiration from the Goddess, you may find the easiest approach is to learn about each of Her various facets—the many faces of the Goddess. Renowned goddess artist Kris Waldherr has provided an amazing and visually stunning set of eighty images that will allow you to do that in the Goddess Inspiration Oracle.

Each of the goddesses is presented in full color on one of eighty cards in a deck you can use for meditation, divination, and inspiration. A 120-page book explains how to use the cards and the meaning of each. A beautiful protective bag is included in the box, too.

The Nature of Inspiration
Perhaps you've heard someone say, "I had no idea what to do next. Then, out of the blue, I had an inspiration. It was like magic." But where did that inspiration come from? The word itself comes from the Latin, meaning both spirit and breath. Thus, to inspire is literally to breathe spirit into ourselves. When we do that we can take great intuitive leaps. One of the best ways to take in anything is visually, and the breathtakingly beautiful art in this oracle is sure to inspire you like no other. Just looking at these cards will take your breath away, but there is so much more you can do with them!

Intentionally Simple
Unlike other divinatory decks, the Goddess Inspiration Oracle is intentionally simple. Anyone, from beginners to experienced practitioners, can use it. There are no special systems to learn, no suits or deck divisions. You don't even have to memorize card meanings. Everything you need is right in the box.

Each card has a magnificent image of a goddess drawn from various cultures around the globe. Some of the goddesses are well known, while others will be new to you. The book gives a brief description of the attributes by which each goddess is honored in her native culture. There are also keywords for understanding Her divinatory meaning followed by a brief message inspired by each goddess and her story. That's it!

The cards can be used for giving divinations or for meditations. The messages can be used as affirmations.

You'll see the beautiful Aditi, the creator of all life in India. Keywords for divination are creation, universe, and nurturance. One of her messages is that your thoughts create reality.

The powerful fertility goddess of the Navajo is Changing Woman. Keywords for divination are transformation, the earth, and nourishment. Her message is "All of life's seasons bring blessings. Appreciate them."

In Japan, Kishijoten is the protector of children, and her keywords are protection, beauty, and the arts. Her message is that those you love most are divinely protected.

The Goddess of the Winds for the Yoruban people is Oya. Eloquence, strength and leadership are her keywords and her message is "When the time is right, you will speak with authority."

Meditating on these evocative images and using the messages as affirmation can help you bring the changes you want into your life. They will empower you as you reclaim your connection to the goddess in Her many forms. Or use the cards for divination. Simply ask a question and pull out a card. Read the meaning or work from the keywords. You'll be surprised at how simple and accurate this is.

If you are a collector of divination decks, this one is a must! Many people are collectors of Waldherr's art, and this is like having eighty of her masterpieces that can fit in your hand. Or use the cards and their meanings to inspire any of your creative efforts. Use them to learn the art of divination. And use them you will! Their beauty and spirituality will bring you back to them again and again.

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