Sun and Sky Meditation

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For better or for worse, I've come to think of myself as a prime candidate for life in the Upper Midwest. I thoroughly enjoy the summer months because of all the great social events with friends and family, but (truth be told), I really don't mind that it's so short. Living it up under hot sun for three months can be a lot of fun, but I'm always the first one to welcome back the cool, introspective days of fall.

Fall is the most spiritual time of the year. The slower speed of life and natural beauty set the stage for true growth and self-reflection. The cool air makes it easy to sit in quiet reflection, and falling leaves remind us of the importance of surrendering to the rhythm of life. Fall is the perfect setting for connecting with whatever higher power speaks to you personally, and for looking inward to develop your spiritual life.

Given how poetic so many folks can wax about their love of fall, I suspect it might also be the best season for developing psychic abilities. Two of our bestselling psychic communication titles offer a uniquely wide array of practices for new and experienced intuitives alike; two of those invigorating techniques are included below. In You Are Psychic, Debra Lynne Katz illustrates how to use the power of the sun to call back personal energy and reinvigorate yourself. In Psychic Development for Beginners, William Hewitt offers a Sky Writing meditation, where he helps you connect with higher powers by imagining your name among the clouds. These two books will arm you with useful spiritual tools—but remember to add your own twist as you discover your own path to the divine.

Calling Back Your Energy
excerpted from You Are Psychic

Visualize a big golden shimmering sun. Postulate that wherever your energy is, no matter how far away, within a few moments at the most it will return to you in your golden sun. Call back your energy from your relationships, from your job, from your goals, your projects, your family, your pets, your possessions, your past, and your future. All of this energy is going to collect inside your golden sun first, where it can be cleansed and revitalized. Know that any foreign energy that is attached to your energy will not be able to withstand the heat of your golden sun. Now physically take your finger and poke a hole in the bottom of your golden sun. Imagine that all of your revitalized energy that has collected in your golden sun is effortlessly pouring from the bottom of the sun into the top of your head. It instantaneously falls to the tip of your toes and fills up your feet, ankles, calves, thighs, torso, chest, shoulders, and neck.

Sky Writing
from Psychic Development for Beginners

  • Go to your basic psychic level.
  • Visualize an airplane in the sky.
  • The airplane is leaving a trail of fluffy white vapor.
  • Allow the airplane to write your first name with the vapor trail in the sky.
  • See your first name in white, fluffy letters in the sky.
  • Now let the wind blow your name away, carrying it into the universe where you are functioning as a psychic.
  • Mentally tell yourself, "I am becoming a better and better psychic every time I perform visualization."
  • Open your eyes.