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Work and Careers by Astrological Element: Choosing a Career That Will Fuel Your Soul


Fire Signs
Fire sign folks can decide at a very early age that yes, they want to be a fire fighter or an EMT or a police officer—and then happily follow through. Those professions aside, there is nothing ignoble about fire sign folks having a variety of career interests and pursuits.

Fire sign people, and those with heavy fire sign influence in their chart, are most content in jobs where they can improvise, and where oversight is minimal (or where there is a structure and procedure in place that is so rigid there is no question of hierarchy). All fire signs can be excellent leaders or managers, but some may find the sameness of management tedious after a time.

Earth Signs
I have never—and I mean never, in decades of talking to people—had an earth sign client who had serious financial problems. Anxiety—definitely. But for the most part, earth signs are blessed in that their instincts towards solvency, or at least spending less than they take in, are very strong. Yes, they can fritter, but somehow the bills get paid.

So—what should you be doing with your life? We all need to follow our dreams and pursue the topics that interest us—that's a given.

Air Signs
Air signs are great at communicating, and can gather, analyze, and disseminate information quickly. They can be at their best communicating to groups because they'll instantly understand how to present information in a variety of manners to suit every learner.

Despite their sociability and ease in group situations, many of them, at some point, choose a career that requires periods of solitude and reflection, and separation from the masses. Part of the innate flexibility of this element is to keep things interesting for themselves. Every time an air sign gets an entry-level job as an administrative assistant, answering phones and connecting others, they'll need corresponding intervals in a room of their own to balance things out.

Air sign workers can be commendably devoted and loyal on the job, as long as they feel they're effective and that others are working at the same high frequency. Woe betide the sluggish coworker of an air sign who lets the files pile up, or who doesn't answer phone calls right away. Interestingly, what I've found in workplaces is that you can have a pile of earth sign workers who function well, or a collection of water sign people, and even a workplace where there are some fire sign folks who work together. With air signs, however, it seems they are generally a one-of-a-kind in their work environment. Maybe that's because too much would get done if there were lots working together.

Water Signs
Water signs can choose a career path at an early age, expressed as a generalized desire: for example, "helping people," "teaching children," "protecting the environment," or "working with plants." Water sign folks can bring an inimitable sensitivity to others and an uncanny ability to anticipate others' moods. Their biggest challenge is finding a career that fulfills their need to connect with others emotionally and intellectually (up to a point), and also allows them room to grow. I would advise parents of water sign kids to give them structure and encouragement to experiment. Don't hem them in early or urge them to do just one thing. When they're in college, they absolutely should experiment with a range of courses and even majors. Remember the adage: water seeks its own level. Water signs like working with others who share their point of view and are sometimes more drawn to a group of people rather than a particular field.

Generally, water signs aren't in it for the money, although they certainly are capable of working hard and earning well. They can also spend pretty freely and have unrealistic ideas about exactly how much they need in terms of funding. All three water signs are happy and fulfilled if they work with those who need lots of help, and most of my water sign clients have a career in which nurturing others plays a big role. Vague feelings of water sign guilt over having so much can be assuaged by improving the world, one person at a time.

Excerpted fromThe Astrological Elements by Sally Cragin

About Sally Cragin

Sally Cragin writes the "New and Full Moon Forecast" for Llewellyn's Moon Sign Book. Her books, including The Astrological Elements and Astrology on the Cusp, have been sold in numerous countries overseas and domestically. ...

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