Today, bless your home with sweetness, comfort, and abundance. Place a pink pillar candle on a plate or large candleholder, place it on top of your stove ( perhaps in the center of the range), and surround it in a ring of sugar. Then bake a batch of your favorite cookies. If the recipe doesn't already call for cinnamon and vanilla, make sure to add at least a dash of the spice and a drop of the extract.
As the cookies are baking, center yourself and visualize the scent and energy from the candle and baking cookies spreading throughout your home and attuning it to the frequencies of sweetness, comfort, and abundance. Say: "Spirits calm and spirits bright, bless this home through day and night. Bring us comfort true and sweet, as we enjoy this magic treat." After the cookies cool, enjoy them with your household or invite friends over to share. |
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