2 definitions / 8 articles / 63,928 views
1. Hypnosis is like a daydream state. You are awake and aware but are very relaxed with your attention focused on a specific thought or image. Second, you always have control. If the hypnotist told you to rob a bank you would just say, “No” and open your eyes; you would not rob the bank. Of course, if you really wanted to rob a bank anyway, then you would follow the suggestion to do so. The point is that it is you, not the hypnotist, who makes hypnosis work or not work.
2. An Altered State of Conscious that provides a bridge to the subconscious mind by which conscious suggestions mobilize subconscious resources including current and past life memories, and exercise certain control over physical body responses to external stimuli and internal functions, access areas of the Collective Unconscious, and channel communication between astral & mental levels and the physical level. The hypnotic trance has been associated with various psychic abilities.
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