Posted Under Astrology

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas: Born on the Same Day, Born to Be Together

Both major stars, both recent award winners, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas were both born on September 25, but twenty-five years apart! Astrology reveals how they connect to each other, not just through their Libra Suns, but through other planets as well.

Douglas's Chart


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Catherine's Chart


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In 1999 Jones and Douglas became romantically involved and in January of 2000 they announced their engagement. Their son Dylan Michael Douglas was born on August 9, 2000, and they married on November 18, 2000. Their daughter Carys was born on April 22, 2003.

A key legal battle was won on November 17, 2003, against Hello! Magazine for publishing pictures of their wedding. They had contracted with OK Magazine to photograph the wedding.

She won an Oscar for her supporting role in Chicago; he won the honorary Cecil B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globe presentations on January 26, 2004.

What Makes Their Relationship Work?
In all my years as an astrologer, I only met one other couple who were born on the same day. I don't really know what the odds are. What I do know is that if the Sun is at the same degree, the younger person reflects the full power of the Sun's return to its birth place for the older person.

The year 1969 brought Michael Douglas a Golden Globe nomination as new actor of the year for his role in Hail, Hero!, a film about the Vietnam war. Michael's career looked like it was about to take off. Who could have know that a newborn infant girl in Wales would rise to stardom and become his wife?

Author Christine Rakela, in her book The Love Relationship Formula, says that there are fifteen specific astrological indicators of romance. Perhaps the most important of these is the Venus-Mars connection. Michael's Venus forms a very positive connection (sextile) with Catherine's Mars. This means that the opportunity for them to connect is very strong. Venus and Mars connect two individuals for romance and marriage, and also for procreation. Rakela says, "Venus and Mars in aspect are essential to a close, passionate relationship. The romantic sparks created with this male-female pairing are a driving force toward a loving partnership."

Because they were born on the same day, both Michael and Catherine have the Sun opposite her Moon. The opposing energies mean that sometimes the two people are not willing to compromise. For Catherine, it also means that she sometimes feels at odds with her own emotions. Yet this combination is the basis for a profound attraction. The relationship provides both Catherine and Michael with intense situations in which to explore their inner beings.

And What about Business?
There is a mutual connection of Saturn to Jupiter between Michael and Catherine's charts. Saturn provides structure in the relationship and Jupiter greases the wheels of interpersonal process. These two planets provide a strong basis for business ventures as well. The two of them want to help each other feel secure in their careers, their family affairs, and in every area of their lives. They are able to offer each other wise counsel. When they both see the relationship as a two way street, they thrive.

Michael made his debut as a potential star the year Catherine was born. The same energy reflected in her persona gave him his start in Hollywood. It's natural that she would win a place in his heart—she represents an early turning point in his life as well as a contemporary wife and partner. He may not have won that first Golden Globe (John Voight won for Midnight Cowboy), but Michael surely has come out a winner in the long run, and so has Catherine.

About Stephanie Clement

A professional astrologer for over twenty-five years, Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D., was a board member of the American Federation of Astrologers and a faculty member of Kepler College and NORWAC. Her Ph.D. in Transpersonal ...