In today's fast-paced world of social media influencers, it's hard to feel like we are "enough" just being who we are. Today's spell is about reflecting on the things we enjoy about ourselves and putting them away to read at a later date. These "notes to self" can be anything—a good memory of when you were recognized for an achievement, a physical compliment, a compliment about your character, etc.—so get creative! Set up your space. Light a candle or incense, and focus on the best ...
Monday is associated with the moon, the home and family, nurturance, deep personal needs, and our habits and reactions. The moon represents the way we take care of ourselves daily—our sacred self-care. Put on the kettle and boil some water. Find your favorite cup. Favorite items carry a high-vibrating energy. Place one fragrant tea bag in your cup. I love rooibos or apple spice tea with a bit of cinnamon. Scent is important. When the water is boiling, pour it over the tea bag. Wrap your ...
Cast this spell to bring success. Using the head of a pin or sewing needle, carefully engrave along the length of an orange taper candle a word, phrase, or symbol to express your wish. Cut off the very bottom of a whole, unpeeled orange so it can sit flat. Place the orange on a fireproof dish and set it on a stable surface. Poke a hole into the center of the curved top portion of the orange, and insert the candle into it, twisting the candle until you achieve a tight fit. Light the candle and ...
Chrysanthemum literally translates to "gold flower," and these cheerful flowers begin to bloom when they sense the daylight beginning to wane. So work some chrysanthemum magic today to replenish a waning bank balance or simply to expand and bless your finances. Purchase a pot of chrysanthemums (of any size and color). Set it outside by your front door or in a sunny windowsill. Relax and gaze at the flowers. Appreciate their appearance and inhale their hearty scent. Patiently stay with this ...