Rent or buy the 1940 Disney animated film Pinocchio and listen carefully as Jiminy Cricket sings "When You Wish Upon a Star." A star is a pentacle, one of our favorite Pagan symbols.
Buy a sheet of sky-blue poster board and cut out the biggest pentacle you can. Then go through all the mail-order catalogs you receive (and hopefully recycle) and cut out the illustrations of all the things you wish you had. Cut illustrations out of magazines or print pictures from online stores. Glue the pictures to your star. Add bright, glittery, significant stickers. Now hang the star where you'll see it every day. This isn't just another "treasure map." Active wishing is not the same as wishful thinking. The purpose of your star is to focus your mind. Determine what you need, what you really want, and what can wait. Do both magical and mundane work to bring what you wish for into your life. |
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