For this spell, assemble:
Three cups Epsom salt, to draw out impurities Three tablespoons mustard powder, to warm the bones One tablespoon bishop's weed, crushed to heal the flesh One tablespoon thyme, to restore vigor Three drops frankincense essential oil, to battle evil One drop oregano essential oil, to heal disease One drop lemongrass essential oil, to banish pain Combine all of the ingredients into a salt blend. Draw a sacred bath by first thoroughly scrubbing the tub, then salting and rinsing it before filling. Steep the ingredients for five minutes and then climb in the bath. As you soak, move and flex your muscles and joints to feel them release in the warm water. Imagine all of your pain, illness, and disease rushing to exit your body, sweating out of your glands, and being released into the water. When you feel renewed with vigor, drain the tub as you sit in the water. Feel the pull of gravity drawing illness away from you and down the drain. When the tub is empty, shower quickly in extremely hot water. Then crawl right into bed for a nap, and allow your body to sweat out the rest of the toxins and hibernate for self-healing. When you awake, shower again, wash your bedding to remove all traces of illness, and engage in a stretching routine like yoga or tai chi to bolster the effect of this healing bath spell. |
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