This day marks the Icelandic festival of Freyfaxi, the time of harvest in ancient Iceland. This festival is celebrated with a sacrifice (blot) to Freyr (brother of Freya; both represent fertility and fruitfulness) and a grand feast from the goods of the harvest.
This is a time when many wonderful fruits and vegetables come into season. Get one or more of your favorites from a local farmers' market or store (or maybe you or a friend has a garden or some berry bushes), and place an arrangement on your altar: maybe a bowl of berries, peaches, early apples, or some garlic or herbs. Give thanks to the gods for this abundant gift from the earth. Prepare a dish from this harvest, and when you eat it, know you are being nourished by the earth and the people who tend her life-giving plants. Harvest is a potent time to reflect on the abundance we have in our lives. Replace the produce on your altar regularly during this season to remind you of the abundance and gifts in your life that nourish you. |
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