The element of air relates to thought and communication. It begins the cycle of life with birth, and corresponds to east and dawn. Within the body, it rules the lungs and respiratory system. This element reminds us that we need clean air to breathe in the material world, as well as clarity in the mystical realms. For that, we need a little help from the element of earth.
This spell relies on a houseplant (a live one, not silk), such as an air fern or philodendron. Houseplants improve indoor air quality by removing impurities and exchaning oxygen for carbon dioxide. Place the plant in your window and say this incantation: "Seeds of hope and sprouts of birth, rise up from the womb of earth. Stems of brown and leaves of green, make the air all fresh and clean. Roots of earth and fronds of air, cherish both with loving care." |
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